Rush Limbaugh is a Man of Appetites.
(Mainly food. And wives. Oh...and drugs)
This is not a political post, more a sad comment on the state of our national politics from my vantage point on the banks of the St. Johns. I am talking of course about the latest nonsense relating to media personality Rush Limbaugh, the prescription drug-addicted, thrice-divorced, bastion of “conservative values” who deigns to tell 20 million willing listeners what to think every day.
As entertaining as Rush Limbaugh is (and he is an entertainer, as indicated by A. His clown-like shape and B. his, errr, prime time talk radio show….), and, as much as I will go to my grave defending his right to broadcast as he does, the current situation which has led a RNC Chairman to publicly apologize to him, is nothing short of a national disgrace. For his part in this, Michael Steele must be condemned as a lily-livered blemish on the face of the republican party. In any properly-functioning democracy his failure to stand his ground and his craven willingness to kow-tow to the media in this way would disqualify him from holding any important office ever again … but I digress. This post is about Rush.
You see, as a conservative of sorts, I am at a loss as to what people see in him. He is interesting to listen to – from a sociological or even psychological viewpoint and I am even prepared to believe he is a genuinely nice guy. But his credibility as a true conservative is pretty questionable. He is clearly a man of appetites. I bet nobody could call his diet “conservative”.
He is also a famous drug addict. And he reportedly engaged in criminal behavior to secure those drugs (interestingly, in one of his court cases, his sworn enemy* the ACLU filed an amicus brief supporting him. Good material….). He is a constant smoker of cigars having been lauded as an aficionado in the press. His addiction to women is equally well-chronicled. He has been married three times and is currently dating a lovely lady half his age called Kathryn Rogers. I wonder what first attracted her to the millionaire Rush Limbaugh? Here she is:
She says making love to Rush is like having an armoire fall on her with the key sticking out.
I made that last bit up.
Anyway, consider this a college assignment: Rush Limbaugh: A Man of Appetites (Discuss).
9 Responses to 'Rush Limbaugh is a Man of Appetites.'
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3 Mar 09 at 1:50 pm
The controversy about Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh (who I don’t really particularly listen to anymore) is more than about Rush. When the liberal talk show host said that CPAC looked like a bunch of Nazis Michael Steele nodded in agreement.
Some said his nodding wasn’t in agreement with that statement but still at the very least he was quiet and did not speak out against that outrageous statement.
This is more than about Rush the person. This was about the speech he gave and if you listened to the speech and agree with it then it is not only Rush but you, and all other grassroots conservatives that Michael Steele has rebuked in the harshest of terms.
Well, if that is the way the “leader” of the GOP feels about me then I say no, no, no, not God Bless the GOP, GOD DAMN the GOP. It isn’t the party I thought I knew!
4 Mar 09 at 9:34 am
[…] Rush Limbaugh: A Man of Appetites […]
I think the word conservative befuddles you. The Constitution promises Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Being a “man of appetites” seems to me to be EXACTLY what the Declaration and the Constitution was created for. Live your life as imagined by the Founding Fathers is what Rush seems to be doing.
You on the other hand, seem to have a problem with what specifically? His former drug addiction? Well how lucky you must be to be so perfect. Lucky for your there isn’t a cross around or else you may get nailed to it.
17 Dec 09 at 4:54 pm
My problem with Rush, my friend, is that he is a fat fuck. Simple as that.
As for the founding fathers, I am not sure that this is precisely what they had in mind. I am pretty sure you were free to be a fatty in England in 1776. I think its more likely that this group of rich, white slave owners just didn’t want to pay their taxes any more…….
Joe, I think the problem is you are jealous of Rush’s success.
While you claim to disdain media elites who “tell us how to think” you are trying to do just the same. Rush’s success comes from his accurate and intelligent commentary on the current social and political happenings. His marital status should have no bearing on the value of his comments, only the truth and accuracy of his views, and so far he seems to be ahead of the rest of you in calling it the way it is instead of the way you want it to be.
Joe, you suck.Laura
7 Jun 10 at 12:40 pm
Laura, are you pissing me? Seriously? Accurate and intelligent commentary?
(This is what I am talking about, folks).
And I still think he is a fat, pie-eating fuck.
I mean look at him………..
What is interesting to me is how you feel about the world. You see, what you say defines you, not the subject you are discussing. Your view of Rush says a great deal about you since your view of Rush is determined by your perspective. Instead of making a judgment you should accept “what is”. Your judgments will change if you change your perspective. As we all know our perception defines our reality, but what most of us forget is that we choose our perception by choosing our perspective. I am not judging you. Your life is perfect for you just as Rush’s life is perfect for him, for you have each chosen for your lives to be exactly as they are. The question I would ask is: “have you ever tried a new perspective?”
Awesome! Thanks, Rich!
What do you mean?
who knew oxycontin could make you so thin. wasn’t he fat? great post.