Blame it on the sunshine……..
I find myself in a preternaturally good mood, today. It might be the skunk, but I think it is more likely that it is the weather. I have been secretly disappointed by our Florida spring, thus far. I have (despite my uncanny ability to accurately predict rain*) heralded the beginning of summer a number of times on this site only to be plunged back into sixty-five degree weather, which I consider unacceptably cold. I think we were psyched by the fact that Christmas Day temps were in the 80s. Anyway, the beautiful weather of the last few days sounds the death knell for misery. Things are looking up, my children. And in stark contrast to the advice of Michael Jackson, I urge you to blame it on the sunshine. Seriously. It’s the sunshine’s fault.
Although I must admit, I share with him the problem of uncontrollable feet. I am bustin’ some 70s moves here, Daddy-O…….
(* live outdoors for long enough and you too will develop this ability. I’d recommend it as a lifestyle optimization skill, but I am not sure it’s worth the effort it takes to acquire……..)