Star Trek was awesome. There. I’ve said it.
I went to see Star Trek at Orange Park on Sunday. I had taken the precaution of slowly medicating myself with fine liquors and other boozes during the course of the day. I suspected the movie would be watch-able, but I didn’t want to take any chances.
My regular thing drove and we (as always) arrived early. I was still thirsty, so we went in to something called a “TGI Friday” – the kind of hellhole that I would normally view with considerable disdain, but as I said, I was not entirely sober. We were served cheap beers by a really, really tall bartender called Maria, with a pierced lip and pig tails. She was very nice and I suggested she do some modeling. We even compared leg lengths (at 6’2″ I was an inch taller than her, but she has 3 inch longer legs than me. Go figure? My regular thing is now calling me “Stumpy”).
Anyway, the movie theater was packed. The movie itself was actually excellent. It turned out that my regular thing had smuggled in booze, too. Great. That is, basically, why she is my regular thing. Stuff like that. And her awesome rack. So here is a clip showing the first time Kirk meets “Bones” McCoy. Cast aside your prejudices and go and see it. Please don’t wear any kind of costume, though. Seriously:
Star Trek (2009): Kirk Meets McCoy
(*needless to say, my phaser was decidedly not on stun and I had a couple of photon torpedoes on back-up. It is dangerous there)
2 Responses to 'Star Trek was awesome. There. I’ve said it.'
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(formerly) Big Bob
12 May 09 at 2:38 pm
I think you should give TGI a break…I love a place that will serve cocktails to the parents until they are obviously minging whilst continuing to provide pencils, paper, balloons and entertainment to the kids…even helping with the inchoherent stumble to the taxi…
i think i’m gonna have to make a journey of my own to see it. never really been a trekkie, it always seemed a little too much for some reason. but, with the “bones seal of approval,” i think i’ll make an exception.