Governor Crist makes a long anticipated admission……..
Florida Governor Charlie Crist held a press conference yesterday to put an end to rumors that have been dogging him for months, now. His decision to reveal himself was entirely supported by his loving wife, who he married immediately prior to running for Governor. The perma-tanned, perfectly coiffed, toned and immaculately dressed governor has announced he will be running for Senator Mel Martinez’s seat in the next election.
Were I to contact the governor’s office to ask for comment, the following conversation might take place:
“Look, Joe. I don’t know why you keep going on about this. He is a married man whose only scandal has stemmed from a paternity suit from a woman which nearly derailed his campaign for Governor.”
Joe: “Did you make up the paternity suit to quash the other rumors?”
Spokesperson “Yes. I mean no! No.”
Joe: “I seeeeeee……….”
For hard-hitting Florida Politics Joe Bones is your man. I also do celebrity gossip, bikini babes and small arms.
I am a man for all seasons.
2 Responses to 'Governor Crist makes a long anticipated admission……..'
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running for Martinez “SEAT”. I knew Crist was a “pole smoker’ but is this Joe Bones breaking the story that Martinez is also “Partly Queer, with a chance of Fag”?
Rasta T.
15 May 09 at 7:06 am
Just for men?