Keeping Children Safe on Planet Florida…..
This must be an elaborate practical joke.
If not it is probably one of the best examples of Bones Rule # 1 – which states, as you will no doubt have been taught in metaphysics class, that fact is always and without exception, funnier than fiction (F>f=Fn).
It appears that the Bomb Squad down in Orlando blew up a stuffed animal in front of Waterbridge Elementary School. The footage is unbelievable. Like a hilarious spoof.
When did we become this nation of gung-ho chickenshits? Do you think this whole lockdown and destruction of a treasured toy animal was good for the kids? Safety first, judgement second? Or do we reckon they were terrified and will grow up to be scared of muslims?
The only good thing to come out of it is this:
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(formerly) Big Bob
14 Sep 10 at 1:24 pm
i watched that about 10 times. i love the slo-mo