Archive for the ‘Carrie Prejean’ tag

Assclown of the Week: Perez Hilton   4 comments

Posted at 1:33 pm in Assclown of the Week

“Perez Hilton’s” mean-spirited attack on Miss California, who during the Miss USA competition dared to express rather a mainstream view about gay marriage (not one I share, by the way, before the haters get started), is beneath contempt. For this, he is awarded Assclown of the Week.

Of course, I realize what is happening here. The resulting coverage from his tantrum has not only raised the profile of an issue important to him, but has also increased the notoriety that he craves. This converts to unique views of his site, which he can then monetize with advertising. We fell for it, I’m afraid. He is manipulating us all, even me, as a write this. He is an evil Svengali. I can do no other than his bidding……..

Actually, that’s bullshit. I only used the story as an excuse to post this picture of a super-hot Miss California. She was robbed of the title:

miss california 1


I’m going to level with you. I have not the slightest interest in any opinion this young lady might have.

And don’t say that’s sexist.

Because it’s not.

Written by Joe Bones on April 21st, 2009

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