Archive for the ‘Cry Tunes’ tag
You don’t care what I amount to……. 1 comment
I am about to make a big, big call. Here it is:
The video below is the funniest thing I have seen this year.
It hits me in that special place – you know, the comedy schwerpunkt, where your “funny neurons” jostle with your God-Given-DNA* to create unique receptors in the brain. When comedy signals are received these receptors scan them for an identical match. Finding one triggers a crazy alarm which cramps your stomach, sets tears streaming down your face and sends you into the nearest corner to rock slowly backwards and forwards in paroxysms of laughter that seem as though they will last forever.
Told you. A BIG call. This song is called Cry Tunes:
The one guy responsible is a Canadian (as opposed to a “Canadian” – he’s not gay, just from Canada), called Donnie Dumphy. I once lurked in a very cold ditch waiting for some bad guys with a man called Dumphy. We were there a long, long time, and, (surprise!) the bad guys never turned up**. I don’t think it’s the same Dumphy, though one would assume there aren’t that many of them. Anyway, let’s dwell on the lyrics:
Beer, cold beer, don’t you ever worry,
I am right here…
I could never live without you…
You don’t care what I amount to…..
If that is not lyrical genius, I don’t know what is.
* Not mutually exclusive, America.
** We got them later.