Archive for the ‘Harpoon Louies’ tag
She’s Crazy Like a Fool. What about Daddy Cool? 1 comment
We had another of those bar conversations last night – one of the ones in which I speak about a well-known cult musician and my buddies stare at me blankly. I then have to go to other patrons to conduct a straw poll to prove that A. I am not making it up, and B. my friends are idiots.
Last time, we were at Harpos, but yesterday we had repaired to The Secret Bar. I can’t remember if I have mentioned it before, but this is the bar that we have sworn a blood oath to keep secret from the various female stakeholders in our lives. It means we can camp out, with our phones off and be certain we will not be disturbed. All I can reveal is that it is on the Westside and does not require teeth. Imagine the scene last night as I went around the various denizens and asked them if they were familiar with the works of Boney M….
Of course they were. They were as hip to it as I am. Here is their flagship anthem Daddy Cool:
By the way, Class Warfare has broken out in the comments section for one of our posts. Check it out.
Stay Classy Jacksonville 2 comments
I went for lunch at Harpoon Louies today. In the parking lot I saw something I have never seen before. Criminally, I was without my camera and I can’t work my ‘phone, which is so advanced it would defeat a NASA scientist. In fact, they do not have technology even close. It’s alien technology (or at least it might as well be).
Anyway, the picture below is not mine, rather it is one I have filched (good word) from the Interweb. It is almost precisely what I saw, though. Down to the color of the truck:
It’s a scrotum. In chrome. On a truck.
Now imagine the thought process of the genius entrepreneur who decided that the one thing a man could no longer live without was a chrome set of family jewels for his truck. Don’t think too much about it, though. Freudian danger lies that way.
I have since discovered that these charming accessories are all-the-rage in the “country” community. Any number of places online to purchase them and any number of styles – hanging low left or hanging low right, shaved or ball-fro – whatever!
Click here for a pair. I have installed some on my Aston in gold. Ironic.
Update: These are illegal in Florida, apparently.