Archive for the ‘heckle’ tag

How to heckle…. plus Assclown of the Week   3 comments

Posted at 10:00 am in Assclown of the Week

I confess to being disappointed by that one guy, Congressman Joe Wilson, from South Carolina who thought it appropriate to call the President a liar in a school-boy heckle on Thursday. Not only is it disrespectful to the American people who vote the President into office, but it also another piece of evidence that Southern Good Manners are in decline. Wilson’s heckle was graceless, rude, and embarrassing, ergo, he is an assclown. An Assclown of the Week, in fact.

For lessons on how to heckle appropriately, Wilson should go to a certain stoner from Toledo. Wonkette has uncovered a great piece of footage of Mayoral candidate Ben Konop (made-up name) being heckled by someone using a technique known to professionals as “Minimal Effort Disruption System” or “MEDS”.

Watch the whole thing. It is seriously funny:

Written by Joe Bones on September 11th, 2009

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