Archive for the ‘John McCain’ tag
Presidential dance-off….. no comments
Now this is more like it. The best bit is at the end, so keep watching. Awesome.
Redneck reasoning no comments
Many of us in the rivercityvibe community have little love for Democratic attack dog James Carville.
But the redneck in all of us will appreciate this:
Aware, as always, that we have readers all over the world (including Tuvalu) and that they might have problems with Carville’s Cajun accent, I translate here:
“Absent some unforeseen circumstance, he [McCain] can call the dogs in, wet the fire and leave the house. The hunt’s over.”
[NOTE: Carville’s alma mater is Louisiana State University (LSU). What’s special about LSU?
Nothing at all.
Except for they lost to the Gators, Saturday.
If you would like to read about it, there’s a nice article in yesterday’s Washington Post, entitled, Gators Easily Take out Tigers
Geaux Gators!]
Pa-lo owns McCain no comments
Sarah Palin’s visit to Jacksonville has been declared a success, with Jacksonville Landing crammed to capacity by zitty little young republicans in bow-ties and grungy unhygienic democrats chanting and hoisting placards. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office estimate the crowd to be around 10,000. This turnout is all the more remarkable when one compares it to ol’ Maverick’s showing when he came to Jacksonville.
Seems he’s missing a certain something when it comes to drawing the crowds. My money would be on “a rack”. Here’s how many Jacksonvillians showed up to see the hero of Truc Bach Lake recently:
Our favorite Vice Presidential Cougar Candidate totally owns his ass. Only, Joe Biden, the Red Skelton of presidential campaign politics, is stopping Mav from becoming the laughing stock of the 2008 campaign.