Archive for the ‘Jon Gosselin’ tag
I guess abandoning your kids has an upside….. 5 comments
I mentioned Jon Gosselin (philanderer and IVF fanatic) in my last post. My implication was that he was a no-good asshole, who selfishly abandoned his eight children in order to fulfill his own warped needs, mainly sexual.
What? You didn’t get all that?
Well that’s what I was implying.
Anyway, it turns out that his evil plan is working, and, I must admit, he appears to have rebooted his sex life very successfully. This is how he rolls, these days…..
For those who have been wondering where I have been for the last few weeks, I am afraid it will take a presidential finding for me to disclose that. Let’s just say, it was very scary and involved shrunken heads.
We are entering a new GOLDEN AGE for rivercityvibe, my children. Did you know you can now read us on
Well you can.
Much more to follow. Including my report from DragonCon, which I am attending in order to mock.
No shit…….
Strange illuminated mannequins (and Harpoon Louies) 2 comments
I went to Harpos for a liquid lunch. I was astonished to learn that my companions, Benny from ABBA and Dupree McPolish Layabout, were not familiar with the oeuvre of German synthpop trio Alphaville.
Unbelievable, I know.
For a minute, I thought I had dropped through one of those wormholes in the space/time continuum (always happening to me). When this occurs, I find things I take for granted no longer exist (on one memorable occasion, for example, ears vanished from my universe). In this case all was okay. I checked with our accomplished waitress who immediately reeled off a list of Alphaville’s most popular tracks, starting with Forever Young (yes, they wrote it)and finishing with Big in Japan.
It turns out my lunch companions are just crap lunch companions, when it comes to music.
Quite an 80s vibe.
I am not sure what freaks me out more, the Teutonic English (“..izzy ven you’re big in Japan….”) or the fact that the singer looks EXACTLY like philanderer and IVF fan, Jon Gosselin