Archive for the ‘TMZ’ tag
Survivor Penis Scandal no comments
The puritan spirit we imported from the Old World all those years ago is alive and well. Thank God.
Joining Janet Jackson’s celebrated ‘nip-slip’ (I think you’ll find that’s the correct paparazzi term…) which had more of a tangible effect on Main Street that the total failure of our capital markets, we have a new ‘outrage’, courtesy of those Great Americans at the Parents’ Television Council. Their full ire is directed toward CBS’ flagship reality show Survivor: Gabon.
Apparently a little penis slipped out of a pair of shorts during a race to fulfill some task crucial to the survival of the competitors. If you recorded it, have HD, can pause at the right time, and like looking at willies, then get real close to the screen and advance slowly frame-by-frame. You can CLEARLY see a flesh-colored something which the experts at the PTC identify as a penis. Let’s take their word for it. Thank Jesus our children were saved from this.
Footage from my buddies at TMZ HERE.
When asked, CBS crushingly commented that the penis of the individual concerned was “undetectable in real life time”.