Archive for the ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ tag
Another childhood sacred cow slaughtered….. 1 comment
I recently wrote about Spike Jonze’s efforts to bring the classic children’s tale Where the Wild Things Are to the silver screen, speculating that if it were anything like Wild Things, it could be very good indeed. I thought this post was ball-achingly hilarious. You, in your hundreds, thought it was crap……..
In what I can only imagine is a rapidly concocted spoof, some comedian (more to y’alls taste, I’m sure. Not sulking…) has put out a trailer for Spike Jonze’s treatment of that other ubiquitous childrens’ classic Everyone Poops!
For the record, I generally hate scatalogical humor, preferring to leave that to the Germans. They love that sort of thing…….
Where the Wild Things Are vs. Wild Things 1 comment
The trailer for Spike Jonze’s movie version of Maurice Sendak’s classic Where the Wild Things Are is out. If they fuck this up, I swear will lay waste to all around me and rend many things asunder…..
It got me thinking about Wild Things, a movie I remember nothing of apart from Denise Richards‘ chest and her making out with that one girl in the pool. Though I do remember liking it very much during some lonely times. I think the chance of seeing naked girls making out in Where the Wild Things Are has got to be slim. You never know though – the screenplay has had to be built around the sixteen short sentences of the original book so there’s going to be a fair amount of new material. Fingers crossed! Let’s compare the two trailers:
That was Where the Wild Things Are, by the way. Now for Wild Things:
I am of the opinion that they will both be remembered as classics of their kind……. I’ll only ever own one of them on Blue Ray, though……..